Results for 'Irene León Tribaldos'

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  1.  18
    «El valor es el hombre». Roswitha Scholz y la escisión del valor.Irene León Tribaldos - 2023 - Azafea: Revista de Filosofia 25:391-400.
    En la presente nota crítica nos aproximaremos a la obra de Roswitha Scholz y a sus tesis sobre la teoría de la escisión del valor, estudiando las implicaciones que esta tuvo en la escisión del antiguo Grupo Krisis con el objetivo de reflexionar sobre la compleja intersección entre el marxismo y el feminismo que supone su obra. Para ello, nos centraremos especialmente en su libro Capital y patriarcado. La teoría de la escisión del valor, si bien nos apoyaremos además en (...)
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    Vidal, Vanessa. Esto no tiene sentido. La interpretación materialista del arte. Universitat de València, 2021. 235 pp. [REVIEW]Irene León Tribaldos - 2022 - Ideas Y Valores 71:239-241.
    RESUMEN Existe una línea temática moderna que vincula el trabajo sobre las fuentes clásicas del 3er conde de Shaftesbury con el mosaico filosófico que más tarde desarrollará Johann Georg Hamann: se trata del "proyecto socrático", que aparece en el primero bajo la idea de unas Chartae socraticae y será motivación para que Hamann recoja el testigo en sus Memorabilia socratica. Se rastrea las raíces shaftesburianas del Sócrates de Hamann -surgidas de su lectura y traducción de juventud: Sensus communis y Carta (...)
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    Social characteristics and Health Status in a country area.José Eduardo Vera Rodríguez, Nereida Rojo Pérez & Irene Sofía Quiñones Varela - 2016 - Humanidades Médicas 16 (1):115-129.
    Se realizó un estudio cuali-cuantitativo en la Comunidad Rural "El León" de la provincia de Camagüey. Se utilizó el método etnográfico y la evaluación del Análisis de la Situación de Salud en el periodo 2007-2015 con el objetivo de describir las características socio históricas y de salud de esta población, conjuntamente con profesionales de enfermería comunitaria. Se crearon instrumentos validados por expertos. Se aplicaron grupos focales, observación participante, entrevistas en profundidad a informantes clave, socioculturales, estructuradas abiertas y la cerrada (...)
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    System of actions of Community Health Nursing implemented in a Cuban rural settlement.José Eduardo Vera Rodríguez, Nereida Rojo Pérez & Irene Sofía Quiñones Varela - 2016 - Humanidades Médicas 16 (1):130-143.
    Se realizó una intervención comunitaria en el asentamiento rural "El León" de Camagüey basada en los resultados de un estudio anterior. Su objetivo fue implementar un sistema de acciones socio-sanitarias colectadas en un manual que organizó contenidos de antropología socio cultural, psicología y sociología de la salud, fue conducida por profesionales de enfermería cuyo encargo social les asigna una mayor permanencia e intercambio con los pobladores. Se potenció el trabajo comunitario a partir de febrero de 2010. La investigación constituyó (...)
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  5. Wielóznaczność a funkcja selekcyjno-determinacyjna kontekstu.Leon Komincz - 1971 - Wrocław,: Państwowe Wydawn. Naukowe [Oddz. Wrocławski].
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    Marksizm w świetle nauki i faktów.Leon Kownacki - 1954 - Londyn,: Nakł. Stronnictwa Narodowego.
  7. The Meaning of ‘Woman’ and the Political Turn in Philosophy of Language.E. Díaz-León - 2022 - In David Bordonaba Plou, Víctor Fernández Castro & José Ramón Torices (eds.), The Political Turn in Analytic Philosophy: Reflections on Social Injustice and Oppression. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 229-256.
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    Integrating AI ethics in wildlife conservation AI systems in South Africa: a review, challenges, and future research agenda.Irene Nandutu, Marcellin Atemkeng & Patrice Okouma - 2023 - AI and Society 38 (1):245-257.
    With the increased use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in wildlife conservation, issues around whether AI-based monitoring tools in wildlife conservation comply with standards regarding AI Ethics are on the rise. This review aims to summarise current debates and identify gaps as well as suggest future research by investigating (1) current AI Ethics and AI Ethics issues in wildlife conservation, (2) Initiatives Stakeholders in AI for wildlife conservation should consider integrating AI Ethics in wildlife conservation. We find that the existing literature (...)
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    Non-standard Emotions and Aesthetic Understanding.Irene Martínez Marín - forthcoming - Estetika: The European Journal of Aesthetics 57 (2):135-149.
    Winner of the Fabian Dorsch ESA Essay Prize.For cognitivist accounts of aesthetic appreciation, appreciation requires an agent (1) to perceptually respond to the relevant aesthetic features of an object o on good evidential grounds, (2) to have an autonomous grasp of the reasons that make the claim about the aesthetic features of o true by pointing out the connection between non-aesthetic features and the aesthetic features of o, (3) to be able to provide an explanation of why those features contribute (...)
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  10. The Best Way to Locate a Purpose in Sport: Considerations in Aesthetics?Leon Culbertson & Graham McFee - 2016 - Aesthetic Investigations 1 (2):191-213.
    The paper highlights the centrality of some concepts from philosophy of sport for philosophical aesthetics. Once Best conclusively answered negatively the fundamental question, ‘Can any sport-form be an artform?’, what further issues remained at the intersection of these parts of philosophy? Recent work revitalizing this interface, especially Mumford’s Watching Sport, contested Best’s fundamental distinction between purposive and aesthetic sports, and insisted that purist viewers are taking an aesthetic interest in sporting events. Here, we defend Best’s conception against considerations Mumford hoped (...)
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    Brill's Companion to the Reception of Pythagoras and Pythagoreanism in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance.Irene Caiazzo, Constantinos Macris & Aurélien Robert (eds.) - 2021 - Leiden ; Boston: BRILL.
    For the first time, the reader can have a synoptic view of the reception of Pythagoras and Pythagoreanism in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, East and West, in a multicultural perspective. All the major themes of Pythagoreanism are addressed, from mathematics, number philosophy and metaphysics to ethics and religious thought.
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  12. (3 other versions)Les étapes de la Philosophie mathématique.Léon Brunschvicg - 1912 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 20 (5):8-9.
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    Semantyka a pragmatyka.Leon Koj - 1971 - Warszawa,: Państwowe Wydawn. Naukowe.
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    Zagadnienie pracy w pedagogice.Leon Leja - 1965 - Poznań,:
  15. Body, Mind and Spirit. --.Philip Leon - 1948 - [S.N.].
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  16. Race and the limitations of "the human".Mark Minch-de Leon - 2020 - In Sherryl Vint (ed.), After the Human: Culture, Theory and Criticism in the 21st Century. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
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    A History of Zen BuddhismThe Platform Scripture, the Basic Classic of Zen Buddhism.Leon Hurvitz, Heinrich Dumoulin, Paul Peachey, Hui-Neng & Wingtsit Chan - 1965 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 85 (3):446.
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    Sense of Ownership and Sense of Agency in First-Person-Perspective Full-Body Illusions.Felipe León - 2018 - Constructivist Foundations 14 (1):105-107.
    Open peer commentary on the article “The Plasticity of the Bodily Self: Head Movements in Bodily Illusions and Their Relation to Gallagher’s Body Image and Body Schema” by Marte Roel Lesur, Michael Gaebler, Philippe Bertrand & Bigna Lenggenhager.: In my commentary, I raise some questions about the applicability of Gallagher’s distinction between body image and body schema to the experimental research reported and discussed in the target article. I suggest that the distinction between body image and body schema is of (...)
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  19. Models of the Visual Cortex Edited by D. Rose and VG Dobson© 1985 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.Leon N. Cooper - 1985 - In David Rose & Vernon G. Dobson (eds.), Models of the Visual Cortex. New York: Wiley. pp. 164.
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  20. El imaginario México profundo.León Ferrer, Jesús Jaúregui & Sergio Pérez - 1993 - Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política 2:167-182.
  21. Fichte et son Temps, II. Fichte à Berlin.Xavier Léon - 1927 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 34 (3):10-11.
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  22. Les sentiments régulations de l'action: Discussion.Xavier LÉon - 1929 - Société Française de Philosophie, Bulletin 29 (3):(1929:mai/juil.).
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    Norm and Ideal: Kant’s Postulates of Practical Reason and their Heideggerian Reconceptualization.Irene McMullin - 2020 - In Matthew Burch & Irene McMullin (eds.), Transcending Reason: Heidegger on Rationality. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. pp. 187-210.
    The received view of Martin Heidegger’s work is that he leaves little room for reason in the practice of philosophy or the conduct of life. Citing his much-scorned remark that reason is the “stiff-necked adversary of thought”, critics argue that Heidegger’s philosophy effectively severs the tie between reason and normativity, leaving anyone who adheres to his position without recourse to justifying reasons for their beliefs and actions. Transcending Reason is a collection of essays by leading Heidegger scholars that challenges this (...)
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    De la estética como fisiología en Nietzsche a la curación como obra de arte en Gadamer.Lourdes Otero León - 2016 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 13.
    RESUMENPara Gadamer, la medicina es un arte que, a diferencia de las otras artes (las artes de los artistas), no produce obras de arte. Pero en este saber hacer, vacío de arte, «sin obra» radica su valor hermenéutico más propio. Esto da lugar a una declaración gadameriana que, en la época del positivismo científico, parece una ofensiva injuria: «La medicina es un arte». Estos vínculos entre Estética y Medicina nos pueden parecer sorprendentes, sin embargo ya en Nietzsche existen, pero en (...)
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  25. Medieval Theories on the Conceivability of the Impossible: A Survey of Impossible Positio in Ars Obligatoria during the 13th–14th Centuries.Irene Binini - 2022 - Noctua 9 (3):1-47.
    During the 13th century, several logicians in the Latin medieval tradition showed a special interest in the nature of impossibility, and in the different kinds or ‘degrees’ of impossibility that could be distinguished. This discussion resulted in an analysis of the modal concept with a fineness of grain unprecedented in earlier modal accounts. Of the several divisions of the term ‘impossible’ that were offered, one became particularly relevant in connection with the debate on ars obligatoria and positio impossibilis: the distinction (...)
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    'Pencil,' 'Water,' 'Christianity': Digging into Externalist Semantic Theories.Irene Olivero - 2021 - In Giulia Angelini & Alessandro Esposito (eds.), Dieci anni di Universa, dieci anni di ricerca. pp. 225-272.
    ‘Pencil’, ‘Tiger’, ‘Christianity’. What kind of reference (if any) do these terms have? Do they have the same semantics? In his celebrated The Meaning of ‘Meaning’ (1975), Hilary Putnam suggests so when arguing that they have externalist semantics. However, this claim is highly controversial. A lengthy discussion has been going on the matter. So far, neither Putnam’s nor other defenses of Externalism proposed within this debate have actually succeeded in showing that the terms at stake (and their likes) are semantically (...)
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    Reflexión, objetivación, tematización: sobre una crítica heideggeriana de Husserl.Felipe León - 2021 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 5:159.
    De acuerdo con una influyente interpretación, ejemplificada por von Herrmann, la postura que se asuma con respecto a la metodología reflexiva marca el contraste entre una vertiente reflexiva y una vertiente hermenéutica de la investigación fenomenológica. Recientemente, autores como Zahavi, Crowell y Cai han cuestionado la legitimidad de establecer dicho contraste a partir del método de la reflexión. Mi propósito es discutir la crítica central que Heidegger, basándose en Paul Natorp, dirige a la reflexión fenomenológica. Luego de presentar tres posibles (...)
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    Istnienie i logika: studia z filozofii.Leon Gumański - 2006 - Toruń: Wydawn. Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika.
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  29. Logika deontyczna czy logika norm?Leon Gumański - 1988 - Studia Filozoficzne 277 (12).
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  30. Podstawy denotowania.Leon Koj - 1970 - Studia Semiotyczne 1:123-141.
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    Attention in Joint Attention: From Selection to Prioritization.Felipe León - 2022 - In Maren Wehrle, Diego D'Angelo & Elizaveta Solomonova (eds.), Access and Mediation: Transdisciplinary Perspectives on Attention. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 65-90.
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    An encounter with scentient beings from Davi Kopenawa´s discourse.Ángela Parga-León - 2021 - Alpha (Osorno) 52:271-289.
    Resumen: Esta exposición intenta comprender las formas culturales de comunicación y fijación mnémica en una narración específica que Davi Kopenawa, chamán Yanomami, expone al antropólogo Bruce Albert, en virtud de los modos de existencia amazónicos, refiriéndose en particular a la intensidad de los espíritus selváticos y a la experiencia chamánica con los mundos espirituales. En el contexto de una extensión vegetal dispersa y sobresaliente, afirmamos una sociabilidad cotidiana en el marco de una “ética respetuosa o amorosa” entre todas las formas (...)
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    La théorie d'Ibn Rochd (Averroès) sur les rapports de la religion et de la philosophie.Léon Gauthier - 1909 - [Paris]: Vrin.
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  34. Why we should care about poverty and inequality: exploring the grounds for a pluralist approach.Irene Bucelli - 2022 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 25 (2):165-186.
    Policy debates surrounding poverty and inequality often focus on practical solutions and seldom explore the normative underpinning that would justify our concerns with these phenomena. Why should we care about poverty, or about inequality? From a philosophical standpoint, can we separate the two, such that it is possible to be deeply concerned about poverty but unconcerned about inequalities? Do our reasons for caring about one contrast with our reasons for caring about the other? While there is a growing empirical literature (...)
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    The Contingent Role of Conflict: Deliberative Interaction and Disagreement in Shareholder Engagement.Irene Beccarini, Daniel Beunza, Fabrizio Ferraro & Andreas G. F. Hoepner - forthcoming - Business Ethics Quarterly:1-41.
    How is the tension between conflict and deliberation resolved in shareholder engagement? We address this question by studying shareholder engagement as a deliberative process with three stages: establishing dialogue, solution development, and solution implementation. We theorize that two interactionist mechanisms, deliberative interaction and the voicing of disagreement, play different roles at different stages of the process. We test our hypotheses with a proprietary database of 169 environmental, social, and governance engagements with US public companies over 2007–12. We find that while (...)
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    “When did you see it?” The effect of emotional valence on temporal source memory in aging.Irene Ceccato, Pasquale La Malva, Adolfo Di Crosta, Rocco Palumbo, Matteo Gatti, Davide Momi, Maria Grazia Mada Logrieco, Mirco Fasolo, Nicola Mammarella, Erika Borella & Alberto Di Domenico - 2022 - Cognition and Emotion 36 (5):987-994.
    Previous studies consistently showed age-related differences in temporal judgment and temporal memory. Importantly, emotional valence plays a crucial role in older adults’ information processing. In this study, we examined the effects of emotions at the intersection between time and memory, analysing age-related differences in a temporal source memory task. Twenty-five younger adults (age range 18–35), 25 old adults (age range 65–74), and 25 old–old adults (age range 75–84) saw a series of emotional pictures in three sessions separated by a one-day (...)
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    In the wake of the hostile environment: migration, reproduction and the Windrush scandal.Irene Gedalof - 2022 - Feminist Theory 23 (4):539-555.
    This article examines the place of reproduction in the UK migration policy popularly known as ‘the hostile environment’, introduced in 2012 by the Conservative–Lib Dem Coalition government, and the ‘Windrush scandal’ that followed. In order to think through how the reproductive sphere comes in to play in this policy and its consequences, I draw on theoretical insights from the work of Christina Sharpe and Saidiya Hartman, both of whom invite us to reflect on the ways in which the afterlife of (...)
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  38. Agenda retrouvé, 1892 et 1942.Léon Brunschvicg & J. Wahl - 1950 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 140:333-335.
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  39. Causalité et induction: Discussion.LÉon Brunschvicg - 1937 - Société Française de Philosophie, Bulletin 37 (4):(1937:juil./sept.).
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  40. (1 other version)Introduction à la vie de l'esprit.Léon Brunschvicg - 1900 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 8 (4):2-2.
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    (1 other version)Le temps et la causalité.Léon Brunschvicg - 1922 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 29 (1):1 - 33.
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    Religion et philosophie.Léon Brunschvicg - 1935 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 42 (1):1 - 13.
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  43. Sur les confins de la vie. L'apothéose du dépaysement.Léon Chestov, J. Schiffrin & B. de Schlœzer - 1927 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 104:470-472.
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    Giacobbe e l'angelo: figure ebraiche alle radici della modernità europea.Emilia D'Antuono, Irene Kajon & Paola Ricci Sindoni (eds.) - 2012 - Roma: Lithos.
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  45. The 'Rules of Use' Theory as a Semantic Theory of Meaning.Leon Galis - 1966 - Dissertation, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
  46. Barbarische Avantagen". Verhältnisse von Kunst und Barbarei in Abschnitt 223 von Menschliches Allzumenschliches I.Leon Hartmann - 2021 - In Sebastian Kaufmann & Markus Winkler (eds.), Nietzsche, Das ›Barbarische‹ Und Die ›Rasse‹. Boston: De Gruyter.
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    L’historien, les mots, les traductions.Irène Rosier-Catach - 2019 - Methodos. Savoirs Et Textes 19.
    La méthode adoptée dans le Vocabulaire européen des philosophies peut-elle être taxée de « relativiste » comme l’écrit Carlo Ginzburg, et plus précisément de mener au « relativisme sceptique »? L’on vise ici à répondre par la négative en montrant les proximités entre la démarche du VEP et certains travaux de l’auteur lui-même. Si le VEP n’est pas un dictionnaire d’« ethnophilologie », et se centre sur les traductions du vocabulaire philosophique, les enjeux politiques sont essentiels. Il s’agit, en prenant (...)
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    Da Marx al post-operaismo: soggettività e pensiero emergente.Giovanni Sgro' & Irene Viparelli (eds.) - 2018 - Napoli: La città del sole.
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    Why do consumers not switch? An experimental investigation of a search and switch model.Irene Maria Buso & John Hey - 2021 - Theory and Decision 91 (4):445-476.
    Search and switching costs are two market frictions that are well known in the literature for preventing people from switching to a new and cheaper provider. Previous experimental literature has studied these two frictions in isolation. However, field evidence shows that these two frictions frequently occur together. Recently, a theoretical framework has been developed (Wilson in Eur Econ Rev 56(6):1070–1086) which studies the interplay between these two costs. We report on an experiment testing this theory to see if individual behaviour (...)
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    Drops of Honey.Irene Eber - 1990 - Feminist Studies 16 (3):607.
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